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Personal Information & Privacy Statement

This page contains information on how we use and store your information.

As a strict rule, will not sell or share your personal information with any third parties.


Aside from the information specifically listed below, this website abides by the following generic privacy policy

Information we collect from you

Aside from anonymous information collected by our web servers and, potentially but not necessarily, Google Analytics, when you contact us you will provide us with some information that may be personal or sensitive to you. Here is why we need that information, and how we will store and use it. 


We need to know your biological sex in order to tailor exercise programs to your needs


Knowing your age allows us to create exercise programs that suit your general fitness level, and reduce risk of injury


Your height is used together with your weight to calculate BMI (Body Mass Index), which is a key determinator of how strenuous an exercise regime we can build for you. 


Your weight is used together with your height to calculate BMI

How this information is collected and stored, and its general use

Information is collected via the web form on our home page ( or email to us. 


After being received, it is stored offline in a database accessible only to the website owner. It may also be stored on Wix's servers, or in a temporary cache, for up to but not more than 30 days. 


If you would like us to delete personal information we hold about you, please contact us through the form on our website and we will do so at the earliest opportunity. 

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